commission info
Status: Open for work!!!

Commission types
Listed below are all available
types and their base prices
Flat art | 20e |
Full shade | 30e |
illustration | 50e |
animated wallpaper | 80e |
page doll | 25e |
chibi | 7e |
Scroll down for more
information and examples of them!

Flat art

base price - 20 euro
+1 character - +10 euro
Includes 1 full body character with a sprinkle of highlighting and either a flat color/gradient or photo background
Transparent version added
if asked

Full shade

base price - 30 euro
+1 character - +15 euro
+ platform - + 10 euro
Includes 1 full body character with full shading and added texturing where applicable (cloth, metal etc.)
Background is a splatter of colors (gradients, overlays, effect brushes etc.) or a simple scene
Platform includes a little oval shaped platform for the character to stand on like a miniature figurine, which can include whatever environment pieces that can fit there (nature, structures etc.)
Transparent version added
if asked


base price - 50 euro
Wowza! This is a top tier category!
My illustrations vary wildly in style so they are harder to price, but in general they include me putting in that extra effort.
Base price includes one or TWO characters in a simple scene.

animated wallpaper
base price - 80 euro
NOTE: Recommended that you own Wallpaper Engine in order to fully enjoy this product!!!
Base price includes 1 idle animated character and a simple scene
Choose a fitting music track and write 3 loading screen tips for a fake loading screen video!

page doll

base price - 25 euro
Expression change - +5 euro
Base price includes 1 character with a simple animation loop


base price - 7 euro
Includes 1 simplified character with a simple tween animation
I want a commission!
how do i get one?
Step 1 - Look at my prices and decide what type of comm you are interested in
Step 2 - Read the TOS!!!
Step 3 - Fill my Google Form
Step 4 - Wait to be contacted by me
(Wait time 1-3 days)
If you hear nothing back then you were skipped, feel free to try again
Step 5 - I contact you and we discuss the details, after we are in agreement on the work I will send you a PayPal Invoice
Upfront payment is 50%
Step 6 - After 1st payment I get to work! I will keep you updated with WIPs on every stage of the work; the bigger the work, the more wip updates you get!
Step 7 - Job's done! After making sure you're happy with the final product via a low-quality preview, pay the rest of the 50% fee in your PayPal Invoice
Step 8 - Enjoy your art!!!
Wait time for finished product heavily depends on the commission type and my own work schedule
(I have a separate job!)
However feel free to hit me up whenever for updates!
what is the best way to contact you?
In the case of any questions or such not answered here, you can contact me by:
My email - [email protected]
Newgrounds PMs PMs
Do you have discord?
Yes, but I avoid giving it out.
I will contact you myself via discord if you have listed it as a preferred method in your application
can i get a refund?
You get a full refund
if comm work has not been started,
No refund on initial 50% payment if work has already started.
i want a type of commission
that is not listed here
Hit me up and let's chat!
Can commission art be used commercially?
My commissions are intended for personal use!
If you are interested in commercial use
(public selling, used for streams etc.)
please contact me, I decide on a case-by-case basis but in general it means you'll have to pay more
Can i post my commission art?
Of course! Please credit me when you do
Are you okay with me editing my commission?
Didn't you have issues with making commissions before?
Yes, but that was years ago when I struggled with my mental health and didn't have a proper system set up for my commission work. I like to think my work ethic has improved greatly since then, but in addition this is why I have a 50% upfront, 50% after payment system, to give you that extra security